Faith Formation

Faith Formation

St. Peter’s offers many options available for all of our parishioners to get involved with learning more about their faith. We have programs for children, teens, adults and those who are new to the Catholic Faith. Want more information? Please contact us at for more information.

Faith Formation (Catechism) program teaches our students who are in Kindergarten through 10th Grader more about the Catholic Faith. During the program the students will prepare for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. Please be aware that our First Communion and Confirmation preparation classes are two year programs.

St. Peter’s Vacation Bible School is a 1/2 day summer program that runs for a few days each summer for our youth.

To learn more about our Parish School of Religion and our Vacation Bible School programs please feel free to contact the office at 

205-822-4480 or email Janet Rubino.

Faith Formation Email

St. Peter’s Adult Education and Bible Study Groups meet several times a week. Watch the bulletins for upcoming series & meeting times or call the office for more information, 205-822-4480.

Sacramental Preparation

Baptisms requests may be made by completing a Baptism Registration form in the parish office.

First Communion & Confirmation formation is a two year preparation course for children that takes place through our Faith Formation Program. Registration for our Faith Formation program is during the summer months. The Sacramental Preparation classes fill up early. It is very important to register early to secure a place.

Weddings should be scheduled no less than 6 months prior to the wedding. Please contact the church office for more information, 205-822-4480.


Interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith? Or are you interested in joining the church please contact us at the office 205-822-4480  or email

Janet Rubino for more information. Classes start in the Fall.

OCIA Email
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